I’m an urbanist and a policy wonk. I have a passion for helping cities be better places. I build innovative policy and programs in transportation, land use, and economic development that make cities more sustainable, livable, economically vibrant, and equitable.

I’m a designer and a communicator. I have a knack for making publications that are informative, engaging, and beautiful, and I love helping audiences grasp complex data and abstract ideas with real-life impact.

I’m a transit rider and a bicyclist. I always have a MetroCard handy, and you’re likely to catch me riding the bus or the subway exploring New York City with my kids, or riding my bike in northern Brooklyn and throughout the five boroughs.

I’m a team player and a team builder. I bring people together through building partnerships and collaborative efforts, working with others to tackle challenges, solve problems, and help individuals and families live happier, healthier lives.

I, like so many others, began my career as an intern in Washington, D.C. My work landed me a job as a consultant for The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) and the joint Governmental Affairs Committee of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association and the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association (FAMA/FEMSA GAC). For USCM, I managed a nationwide financial education campaign, DollarWise, and served as associate director of the Council for the New American City (CNAC), where I worked on the release of a number of Metro Economies Reports and other initiatives. My work for the FAMA/FEMSA GAC brought me face-to-face with members of Congress and their staffs in an effort to shore up federal support for the nation’s first responders.

Eventually the time felt right to move on and I found a position with the Transportation for America campaign. There, my experience working with local governments and the private sector came in handy as I organized outreach to local elected officials and the business community. My efforts supported reform of federal transportation policy from a car-centric paradigm to a more financially and environmentally sustainable model that made more room and funding available for all modes of travel.

Around the same time, I launched my consulting work. My clients have ranged from established nationwide organizations to individual entrepreneurs starting their own businesses. I have developed branding, including marketing collateral for a series of 30 events across the country, and honed messaging for reports that have received national media coverage.

Now I’d love to work for you. I’m available for both consulting and full-time employment. So take some time to explore this website and learn more about what I bring to the table, including my past work and the skills and services I can provide. Then let’s get together and discuss what I can do for you.